houses, complexes and apartments in Cyprus

The types of real estate in cyprus vary, and real estate investment, whether for apartments, villas, or even shops, is one of the most popular types of investments in cyprus in general in addition to being a convenient source of abundant profits. While the cyprus government continues to support the real estate sector, there are several ways, such as facilities and modifications, that it offers to foreign investors in order to attract foreign capital and investment institutions that activate this distinguished sector. It is necessary for the investor to be aware of all types of real estate in cyprus and the most important differences and advantages that separate them. 


Penthouses in cyprus offer the most luxurious residential concept, where penthouses are known as those apartments that often occupy the upper floors of high-rise apartment complexes. Its main idea is that the outer walls of the four sides of the glass, to provide the apartment inhabitant giant panoramic views of the entire city, in addition to the most important thing that distinguishes it that the entire floor is yours, and therefore there are no neighbors, it provides you with complete comfort, freedom and luxury style that is very similar to living in a villa above the clouds. The idea of ​​penthouses was born in the 1920s, when economic growth brought a building boom within New York City. The high demand for urban living and the increasing wealth of Americans led to the creation of luxury apartments on the upper floors, which were called “penthouses.”

Duplex apartments

Duplex apartments are very popular in Long beach/cyprus, and they are widely spread in various modern urban areas. It is a type of real estate popular with Arab investors in particular. It is known that duplexes are two apartments located on top of each other, connected by an internal staircase. Each floor is a separate apartment with bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom on the other floor. The distribution of rooms can vary from one duplex to another, sometimes with bedrooms on the upper floor and bathrooms on the ground floor with a kitchen and living room. 

Residential complexes

These complexes exist today all over cyprus . Residential complexes consist of several buildings (two buildings or more) and there are a number of service facilities available that vary in services from one complex to another, such as gardens, picnic paths, football, basketball and tennis courts … in addition to children’s playgrounds, gymnasiums, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, and massage rooms, and sauna, in addition to a garage for cars, and security services that include preventing the entry of strangers, surveillance cameras, and other protection measures. These complexes contain a range of other additional services, such as hot water, air conditioning and other services, for which a joint amount of money called dues is paid. These unique services make staying in the complexes a real pleasure that cannot be compared with other real estate and apartments in ordinary buildings.

Standard apartments

We all know this type of apartment as it is the most popular and widespread real estate not only in Turkey, but all over the world. It has the advantage of being suitable for all segments of society and catering to different tastes due to the diversity of its area, styles and suitability for different lifestyles. Standard apartments in Turkey come in styles ranging from one room and a hall to 6 rooms and two halls. All these styles are affordable and are the most popular type for real estate investors as they are found in various neighborhoods and apartment complexes. 

Smart apartments

Smart homes do not differ in shape or structure from the homes we know, but are only homes that rely entirely on technology. It is managed and controlled through an application in your smart phone that allows you with one click to control the simplest details of your home, such as lighting and electrical appliances, TV screens and air conditioners to kitchen appliances, electric doors and windows, curtains, water taps, or even the temperature of the house. One of the most prominent advantages of owning a smart apartment in Turkey is the feeling of security, in addition to greatly saving time and money. 

Studio apartments

Most people think of the word studio as a location for shooting or recording music or something, but studio real estate has a completely different meaning. It is well known about studio apartments that each housing unit consists of only one room (0 + 1) and utilities (kitchen – bathroom). 

Studio apartments in cyprus are concentrated in the areas located in the city center or adjacent to universities, where these apartments are rented to students from outside and inside cyprus , which is a good investment

Office homes

Office homes are widely spread in cyprus , so that some residential complexes are building a tower dedicated to office homes according to the wide demand for this type of apartments. Office homes are known as real estate units dedicated to various commercial activities, often within high-rise commercial towers, which are located in central and important commercial areas. 

The process varies from city to city and from one real estate category to another. Therefore, you should always collect information, verify and ask about all procedures and papers. You can use an agent as long as you take his fee into account. In general, these procedures are easy and clear compared to many countries of the world and especially Europe, so you will not find any trouble.

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