A Comprehensive Guide to Turkish Citizenship by Investment 2021-2022

The Turkish Government grants the right to apply for Turkish citizenship, together with his/her family (spouse and children under the age of 18), to every foreigner who purchases real estate in Turkey with an amount of 400,000 USD or more. In other words, in 2022, foreigners will be able to easily apply for Turkish citizenship by purchasing real estate in Turkey. Being a Turkish citizen by investing in real estate is the easiest and shortest way to obtain Turkish citizenship. In the process of citizenship by investment, there is no obligation to live in Turkey. Foreigners who apply for Turkish citizenship can live in the country they want. During the citizenship application made through real estate investment, an annotation is put on the purchased real estate for 3 years and cannot be sold. In these 3 years, if the ready-made property is purchased, income to be rented can be obtained, and at the end of 3 years, profit can be obtained by selling the property with high profit. In Turkey, especially in Istanbul, the real estate market never loses value. Real estate values are increasing every year. This provides investors with a profit-guaranteed investment opportunity. One of the most important advantages of a foreigner who acquires Turkish citizenship is obtaining a Turkish passport. The Turkish passport is a powerful passport that allows visa-free or easy entry to 110 countries.

How to get Turkish citizenship by investing?

Only a few countries in the world grant citizenship to foreigners through direct or indirect investment. However, there is no other country that offers citizenship in a short time and at affordable prices and offers many privileged opportunities like Turkey. It is possible to obtain citizenship in Turkey and some other countries by investing in real estate, establishing a business and creating employment, investing in bank accounts, investing in government bonds. Citizenship acquired through investments made through various means in this way is called “citizenship by investment”. Buying real estate is one of the best ways to acquire citizenship. However, the process of acquiring citizenship by purchasing real estate has a different process in each country. For example, in Spain, it is possible to apply for citizenship 10 after purchasing real estate worth € 500,000 and it is compulsory to live in the country for 5 years. Citizenship can be applied for 7 years after purchasing real estate worth $2,000,000 in Australia and there is an obligation to live in the country for 3 years. In Turkey, a citizenship application can be made immediately after purchasing real estate worth $400,000 and citizenship can be obtained within 3 months. In addition, there is no obligation to live in Turkey during this process. In other words, while it takes years to obtain the passports of some countries, you can have a Turkish passport in 3 months in Turkey.

There are certain requirements that countries that grant citizenship through real estate investment expect applicants to fulfill. Some conditions, such as the minimum amount to be invested, the type of investment, the characteristics that the investor must-have, and the investment conditions, vary from country to country. While some countries want donations (non-repayable investments/donations) to the country’s economy, some want repayable investments (real estate, securities, etc.) to be kept in the country’s economy for a certain period of time.

Types of investments that can be made for Turkish citizenship

It is possible to gain citizenship by investing in Turkey in many ways. The types of investments required for citizenship are as follows:

  1. Investing in real estate with a minimum amount of $ 400.000,
  2. Investing a minimum of $ 500.000 in fixed capital,
  3. Establishing a business that will employ at least 50 people,
  4. Depositing a minimum deposit of $ 500.000 in public banks operating in Turkey with the condition of keeping it for 3 years,
  5. Purchasing government debt instruments with a minimum amount of $ 500.000 with the condition of keeping them for 3 years,
  6. Purchasing a minimum $ 500.000 real estate investment fund or venture capital investment fund with the condition of keeping it for 3 years.

Advantages of being a Turkish citizen

Turkey is one of the best countries to grant citizenship by investment. Turkish citizenship acquired through investment provides many advantages to its investor. Some of the advantages of being a Turkish citizen are:

– Having a Turkish passport

– To be able to apply for citizenship together with the family (spouse and children under 18)

– Having the right to choose and be elected

– To be able to apply for a job and work at the desired institution without the need for a work permit

– Registering with the Social Security Institution and obtaining the right to retirement

– Obtaining free education in Turkish public schools

– To benefit from the advanced Turkish health system free of charge

– Easy visa to European Union countries

– Opportunity to live a quality life

– Opportunity to experience Turkish cuisine with very rich and delicious options / reach fresh vegetables and fruits in all seasons

– Opportunity to easily pass from Turkish citizenship to citizenships of other countries

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